The Top Ten Remix was started by Sarah from Sarah's Real Life and the challenge was to pick 10 items from your wardrobe that really say "You" (or "Me" or... whatever - you know what I mean).
So here they are and the ways I've worn them over the past month
1. Chambray Shirt - I actually wore this several times this month - however, apparently I only took a picture once...
2. Red Flats - Yeah - these were a good choice. I wear them a LOT
3. Leopard Flats - Love these leopard flats. They're pretty much my go-to shoe lately. I love how leopard can actually work as a neutral, but still be a standout on their own.

4. Hearts Necklace - I adore this necklace. It goes with absolutely everything.

5. Double Stud Pearl Earrings - These are an item that kind of surprised me. I love them because they're so unique but at the same time because they're "pearl" they are also kind of classic. I even wore them to a high-tea!

6. Cobalt Blazer - I didn't get nearly as many outfits out of this blazer as I thought I would. I love it and I think it goes with a tonne of things, but I just didn't wear it as often as I thought I would.

7. Poppy Blazer - I can't believe I only wore this once! It's crazy, because I love this blazer, and I totally thought I would wear it more. I did, however, pick up a navy and a red blazer this month - and we all know how sometimes new items take the place of a well-loved not-so-new item.
8. Cropped Black Pants - Again - I'm certain I wore these more often, but only one pictured outfit! Crazy!
9. Floral Scarf - I wore this scarf several times but not necessarily as part of a defined outfit. The first time I wore this for the top ten was for Easter Sunday - but then my laptop died and I still haven't been able to get the pictures off of it - I have just one from Easter morning with my friend Kate, I also wore the scarf with my chambray and leopard flats just a few days ago.

10. Owl Earrings - I actually wore these a lot this month... but they do NOT photograph well. They often get lost in my hair and as such I only have one picture where you can see the earrings!
So there you have it. My Top-Ten Round-up!
I'm not sure how I actually "did" per se - but it's obvious from the roundup that my whole top ten could have been shoes, lol. Well - Mama loves what Mama loves!