Wednesday 20 June 2018


Did you ever read the Outlander series of novels by Diana Gabaldon? Or have you been watching the show?

My sisters and Mom and I get together weekly once the show is on to watch, though only Mom and I have read the books.

When I saw this shirt dress on the Torrid website I immediately fell in love with it. I do love a good day-dress - and the tartan was so lovely and calming. When I realized it was part of the fandom wear line for the Outlander tv series - I loved it all the more!

It's a wonderful length, the buttons actually button up all the way to the top (a rarity for me) and it has pockets! (And we all know the wonders of a dress with pockets).

I've worn it a few times in cooler weather with tights and boots, but it was lovely and cool today in the heat of our church Sanctuary and Sunday School classroom. Plus, it's so comfortable that I wore it all day - unlike some of my dressy clothes - that get switched for yoga pants at the earliest opportunity.

And, I mean - who doesn't love a good twirl?

Dress: Torrid
Shoes: Payless

Linking up with: Pastries, Pumps & Pi // Curly, Crafty Mom // Shelbee on the Edge // Posh Classy Mom


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Pockets...yah for pockets! Very cute dress and I am sure it also looks amazing with the tights and boots. I lover versatility.

  3. Oh my... hit publish before the edit. BLAH! Lover?!
